

发布时间:2021-04-22  阅读次数:3521

报 告 人:包岩   农生学院植物科学系  长聘教轨副教授  博导  PI

   间:2021年4月28日 (星期三) 12:45-13:30






报告题目: 植物特有COST1蛋白通过调控自噬来平衡抗逆与生长


自噬是真核生物中一类高度保守的细胞生物学途径,在调控植物生长和逆境响应中都扮演着重要角色,但是将自噬途径与逆境响应偶联起来的直接作用因子一直罕有发现。我们分离得到一个cost1 (Constitutively Stressed 1)突变体,该突变体对干旱表现出极强的抗性,并伴随有组成型的自噬诱导和逆境响应基因的激活表达。研究发现,COST1蛋白能够通过与自噬受体蛋白ATG8E互作来直接介导对自噬的调控,从而首次将植物抗逆和自噬直接联系到了一起。另外,cost1 突变体的生长和发育受到了极大影响,表明COST1在平衡植物抗逆和生长之间扮演了重要角色。





  1. Bao Y*, Bassham DC (2020) COST1 balances plant growth and stress tolerance via attenuation of autophagy. Autophagy. 16 (6), 1157-1158
  2. Bao Y#,*, Song WM#, Wang PP, Yu X, Li B, Jiang CM, Shiu SH, Zhang HX*, and Bassham DC* (2020) COST1 regulates autophagy to control plant drought tolerance. PNAS. 117 (13), 7482-7493 (Recommended by F1000Prime/Faculty Opinions; highlighted by Plantae)
  3. Bao Y, Bassham DC, Howell SH* (2019) A functional unfolded protein response is required for normal vegetative development in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology. 179 (4), 1834-1843 (Highlighted by Plantae)
  4.  Bao Y, Pu YT, Yu X, Gregory BD, Srivastava R, Howell SH, Bassham DC* (2018) IRE1b degrades RNAs encoding proteins that interfere with the induction of autophagy by ER stress. Autophagy. 14 (9), 1562-1573
  5. Bao Y, Wang CT, Jiang CM, Pan J, Zhang GB, Liu H, Zhang HX* (2014) The tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor (TRAF)-like family protein SEVEN IN ABSENTIA 2 (SINA2) promotes drought tolerance in an ABA-dependent manner in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist. 202: 174-187




Tenure-track Associate Professor, Principal Investigator

Department of Plant Science, School of Agriculture and Biology

TIME :12:45-13:30  April 28, 2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, School of Agriculture and Biology

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Plant unique COST1 protein balances growth and stress tolerance via autophagy


In plants, macroautophagy/autophagy has been reported to function in various biotic and abiotic stress-response pathways, but few direct regulators linking stress and autophagy have yet been identified. We recently identified a mutant, termed cost1 (Constitutively Stressed 1), which has strong drought tolerance with constitutive induction of autophagy and broad expression of normally stress-responsive genes. The COST1 protein negatively regulates autophagy by direct interaction with the key autophagy adaptor ATG8E, thus directly linking autophagy and drought tolerance. Moreover, plant growth and development in the cost1 mutant is greatly retarded, suggesting that COST1 controls the tradeoff between growth and stress tolerance.

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