

发布时间:2021-01-04  阅读次数:2930

报 告 人:朱勃  资源与环境系 长聘教轨副教授 博导 独立PI

时    间:2021年1月6日  (星期三)  12:45-13:30

地    点:农生学院创新楼(B楼)104会议室







mRNA的A-to-I编辑是生物中表观遗传调控方式之一,具有重要的生物学功能,但A-to-I编辑在细菌中作用机制及功能尚不明确。通过自设程序分析水稻条斑病菌(Xoc)转录组,我们发现2个非同义突变的A-to-I编辑位点: fliC S128P和fepA T408A。进一步研究这两个A-to-I编辑位点在病菌致病力、生物膜产生、活性氧耐受、铁摄取和趋化性等方面的贡献,证明Xoc菌株A-to-I编辑水平受到外界环境条件影响,Xoc利用A-to-I编辑机制提升菌体的氧化胁迫和缺铁胁迫响应,增强菌株生态适应能力。此外,我们的研究表明,以往研究鉴定的A-to-I编辑酶TadA能够参与Xoc的A-to-I编辑,但不是唯一催化mRNA腺苷脱氨的酶。研究初步解析了A-to-I编辑对水稻条斑病菌毒力的贡献及对环境胁迫的响应机制,为防控植物病害提供新的科学线索和理论依据。







1. Nie W, Wang S, He R, Xu Q, Wang P, Wu Y, Tian F, Yuan J, Zhu B*, Chen G* (2020) A-to-I RNA editing in bacteria increases pathogenicity and tolerance to oxidative stress. PLoS Pathog 16: e1008740

2. Zhu B, Ibrahim M, Cui Z, Xie G, Jin G, Kube M, Li B, Zhou X (2016) Multi-omics analysis of niche specificity provides new insights into ecological adaptation in bacteria. ISME J 10: 2072-2075




Tenure-track Associate Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, PI

Department of Resource and Environment, SAB

TIME :12:45-13:30  Jan 6, 2021  (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:A-to-I editing contributes to pathogenicity and stress adaptation in Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola


A-to-I editing of mRNA is one of the important ways of epigenetic regulation in organisms and has important biological functions. However, the mechanism and function of A-to-I editing in bacteria is still unclear. Recently, the transcriptome of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. orizicola after interacting with rice was analyzed by a self-designed program, and two non-synonymous mutations of A-to-I editing sites were found: one occurred on fliC S128P, the other on fepA T408A. Further research indicates that both A-to-I editing events contribute to pathogenesis, biofilm formation, ROS resistance, iron uptake, and chemotaxis. Thus, Xoc could resist the oxidative stress and iron starvation stress with A-to-I editing, which enhance the niche adaptation for Xoc. Besides, the result suggests that the previously identified A-to-I editing enzyme TadA is not the only mRNA adenosine deaminase in the Xoc genome. The expected results will reveal the contribution of A-to-I editing to the pathogenicity of X. oryzae pv. orizacola and its response mechanism to environmental stress, and provide new scientific insights and theoretical basis for the prevention and control of plant diseases.



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