
学术沙龙第三期:Ecological Gradients – Environmental Microorganisms – One Health

发布时间:2020-12-10  阅读次数:2753

报 告 人:惠 楠  资源与环境系 副教授 博导 独立PI

   间:2020年12月16日 (星期三) 12:45-13:30






Ecological Gradients – Environmental Microorganisms – One Health


城乡植被格局、用地类型、季节变化等因素通过驱动土壤和大气中的微生物群落,间接地影响人类健康,从而构成城市生态梯度—环境微生物—One Health的协同作用体系。绿地是城市中重要的生命支撑系统,明确绿地微生物群落演替与环境的关系,是保障城市生物多样性,促进城市生态系统功能的关键。另一方面,环境微生物是室内微生物群落的主要来源,揭示城乡生态梯度与室内人体微生物暴漏之间的联系,对通过生态系统布局与规划来调控城乡微生物群落、构建环境微生物可控的安全生态环境体系,维护正常的社会与经济活动,具有较大的战略意义。



绿地是人口密集地区最重要的生命支撑系统,为城市生态系统提供重要的服务。环境微生物是诸多生态系统功能的具体执行者,其群落多样性和结构是影响植物生长、污染物降解、碳氮循环、人体健康的关键因素。本研究组针对城乡逆境与One Health关系问题,从环境微生物的角度,借助高通量组学、基因芯片、菌群重构、病原菌控制等技术,揭示环境-微生物-人体健康的协同作用理论,开发可用于提升人体免疫的环境健康产品。



1. Nan Hui, Anirudra Parajuli, Riikka Puhakka, Mira Grönroos, Marja I. Roslund, Heli K. Vari, Ville A. O. Selonen, Nathan Siter, Noora Nurminen, Sami Oikarinen, Olli H. Laitinen, Juho Rajaniemi, Heikki Hyöty, Aki Sinkkonen. 2019. Temporal variation in indoor transfer of dirt-associated environmental bacteria in agricultural and urban areas. Environment International, 132, 105069.

2. Nan Hui, Ari Jumpponen, Gaia Francini, D. Johan Kotze, Xinxin Liu, Martin Romantschuk, Rauni Strömmer, Heikki Setälä. 2017. Soil microbial communities are shaped by vegetation type and park age in cities under cold climate. Environmental Microbiology 19(3): 1281-1295.




Tenure-track Associate Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, PI

Department of Resource and Environment, SAB

TIME :12:45-13:30  Dec 16, 2020  (Wed)

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Ecological Gradient – Environmental Microorganisms – One Health


Vegetation pattern, land-use and seasonal variation shape microbial communities in our living environments, thus affects human health. These associations frame a synchronized urban system based on ecological gradient, environmental microorganisms and One Health. Green space is the most important life supporting system in urban environment. To protect biodiversity and improve urban ecosystem functions, we discover the relationship between the changing urban environment and the microbial succession in soil. On the other hand, the environmental microbiota is the main source of indoor microbial communities, indicating that the outdoor conditions likely shape the environmental microbiota transferred indoor and affect indoor human microbial exposure. Revealing the role of urban-rural gradient on indoor microbes, especially human pathogens, can advance knowledge in building health-friendly neighborhood landscapes and reducing many health risks, which are of great strategic significance for maintaining normal social and economic life.

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