
(学术报告2019-04-19)Molecular mechanism of avian sex determination——The basis of gonadal CASI

发布时间:2019-04-15  阅读次数:3571

报告题目:Molecular mechanism of avian sex determination——The basis of gonadal CASI

报告人:Dr. Debiao ZHAO(赵德标) 

报告时间:2019年4月19日 (周五) 13:30—15:00

邀请人:孟和  教授



       Avian has a unique sex determination system and we have recently found that their somatic cells have cell autonomous sex identity. Our current discovery has lead us to establish the molecular mechanism of gonadal sex determination which can be used to understand the molecular basis of cell autonomous sex identity during the avian gonadal development and might be applied to the wide variety of animal systems. 


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