殷 杉
(1) 城市生态系统长期定位观测及生态系统服务
(2) 城市森林与人居环境健康
(3) 生物地球化学循环及模型应用
电子信箱: yinshan at sjtu.edu.cn
殷杉,教授,城市生态与长期观测研究组负责人(PI),博士生导师,上海交通大学教学发展中心副主任(挂职)、农业与生物学院院长助理、资源与环境系系主任,上海市东方英才(东方学者)。于2007和2011年在上海交通大学分获硕士(环境工程)和博士(环境科学)学位,曾赴美国加州大学伯克利分校进行联合培养,2012年起在上海交通大学农业与生物学院工作。近年来承担国家自然科学基金3项、国家重点研发(子课题)2项、上海市自然科学基金、绿化市容局、生态环境局等项目,发表研究论文八十余篇,其中第一和通讯作者49篇,获国家发明专利和软件著作权授权12项,获得上海市科技进步一等奖(2018)、上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖著作类一等奖(2022)。担任国家林草局上海城市森林生态站站长,科技部长三角生态环境国家野外科学观测研究站常务副站长,中国林学会城市森林分会理事,上海市生态学学会青年委员会主任,Urban Forestry & Urban Greening、Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution、Landscape Architecture Frontiers、中国城市林业等期刊编委,上海市一流本科课程《全球变化下的自然和生态》负责人。获得上海交通大学教书育人奖、第八届“凯原十佳教师”、烛光奖一等奖、青年岗位能手、十佳班主任等奖励。主讲课程:土壤与植物营养学、全球变化生态学等。
- Yan Jingli, Chen Wendy Y., Zhang Zixiao, Zhao Wenxing, Liu Min, Yin Shan*.Mitigating PM2.5 exposure with vegetation barrier and building designs in urban open-road environments based on numerical simulations. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2024.
- Chen Dele, Xiao Hua-Yun, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Leaf-deposited particles: Single-particle mass spectral signatures and comparison with naturally fallen particles. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology, 2024.
- Yan Jingli, Sun Ningxiao, Zheng Ji, Zhang Yuanyuan, Yin Shan *. Uneven PM2.5 dispersion pattern across an open-road vegetation barrier: Effects of planting combination and wind condition. Science of the Total Environment,2024.
- Ma Fangzhou, Zhang Wenwen, Yan Jingli, Zhang Tian, Lu Ningxin, Yao Miaoling, Zhang Tai, Zheng Ji*, Yin Shan*. Early advantage for carbon sequestration of monocultures and greater long-term carbon sink potential of broadleaf mixed forests: 20-year evidence from the Shanghai Green Belt. Ecological Indicators, 2024.
- Yin Shan, Chen Y. Wendy*, Liu Chunjiang*. Urban forests as a strategy for transforming towards healthy cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2023.
- Zheng Ji, Han Yujie, Sun Ningxiao, Ye Yize, Yan Jingli, Zhang Wenwen and Yin Shan*. Intra-annual carbon fluxes and resource use efficiency of subtropical urban forests: insights from Chongming Island ecological observatory. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 2023.
- Long Yuchong, Zhang Wenwen, Sun Ningxiao, Zhu Penghua, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Sequential Interaction of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds and SOAs in Urban Forests Revealed Using Toeplitz Inverse Covariance-Based Clustering and Causal Inference. Forests 2023.
- Zheng Ji, Sun Ningxiao, Yan Jingli, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Decoupling between carbon source and sink induced by responses of daily stem growth to water availability in subtropical urban forests. Science of the Total Environment,2023.
- Lyu Junyao, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli, Shen Guangrong, Yin Shan*. Coagulation effect of atmospheric submicron particles on plant leaves: Key functional characteristics and a comparison with dry deposition. Science of the Total Environment,2023.
- Yin Shan, Chen Dele, Zhang Xuyi, Yan Jingli*. Review on the multi-scale interactions of urban forests and atmospheric particles: affecting factors are scale-dependent among tree, stand and region. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2022.
- Chen Dele, Yin Shan*, Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zhang Yiran, Zhu Yanhua, Yan Jingli. A high-resolution study of PM2.5 accumulation inside leaves in leaf stomata compared with non-stomatal areas using three-dimensional X-ray microscopy. Science of the Total Environment, 2022.
- Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Chen Y. Wendy, Chen Dele, Yan Jingli, Yin Shan*. Quantifying the capacity of tree branches for retaining airborne submicron particles. Environmental Pollution, 2022.
- Du Baoming, Ji Huawei, Liu Shirong, Kang Hongzhang, Yin Shan*, Liu Chunjiang*. Nutrient resorption strategies of three oak tree species in response to interannual climate variability. Forest Ecosystems,2022.
- Yin Shan*, Tian Lu, Ma Yingge, Tan Haoxin, Xu Lurong, Sun Ningxiao, Meng Hengyu, Liu Chunjiang. Sources and sinks evaluation of PAHs in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora in megacity: from the perspective of land-use types. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021.
- Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Zeng Yuxiao, Sun Ningxiao, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Individual effects of trichomes and leaf morphology on PM2.5 dry deposition velocity: A variable-control approach using species from the same family or genus. Environmental Pollution, 2021.
- Lyu Junyao, Yin Shan*, Shang ChenCheng, Ma Yingge, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Sensitivity analysis of isoprene and aerosol emission in a suburban plantation using long short-term memory model. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2021.
- Zhang Xuyi, Yin Shan*, Lyu Junyao, Sun Ningxiao, Shen Guangrong, Liu Chunjiang. Indirect method for determining the dry deposition velocity of submicron particulate matter on leaves. Atmospheric Environment, 2021.
- Lyu Junyao, Xiong Feng, Sun Ningxiao, Li Yiheng, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Photosynthesis and related physiological parameters differences affected the isoprene emission rate among 10 typical tree species in Subtropical metropolises. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(3):954.
- Yin Shan, Lyu Junyao, Zhang Xuyi, Han Yujie, Zhu Yanhua, Sun Ningxiao, Sun Wen, Liu Chunjiang*, Coagulation effect of aero submicron particles on plant leaves: Measuring methods and potential mechanisms. Environmental Pollution, 2020.
- Yin Shan*, Tan Haoxin, Hui Nan, Ma Yingge, Tian Lu, Sun Ningxiao, Liu Chunjiang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in leaves of Cinnamomum camphora along the urban–rural gradient of a megacity: Distribution varies in concentration and potential toxicity. Science of the Total Environment,2020.
- Yin Shan, Zhang Xianxian, Lyu Junyao, Zhi Yuee, Chen Feng, Wang Longqin, Liu Chunjiang*, Zhou Sheng*. Carbon sequestration and emissions mitigation in paddy fields based on the DNDC model: A review. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture, 2020.
- Zhang Xuyi, Lyu Junyao, Han Yujie, Sun Ningxiao, Sun Wen, Li Jinman, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Effects of the Leaf Functional Traits of Coniferous and Broadleaved Trees in Subtropical Monsoon Regions on PM2.5 Dry Deposition Velocities. Environmental Pollution, 2020.
- Luo Linghao, Sun Wen, Han Yujie, Zhang Wenwen, Liu Chunjiang, Yin Shan*. Importance Evaluation Based on Random Forest Algorithms: Insights into the Relationship between Negative Air Ions Variability and Environmental Factors in Urban Green Spaces. Atmosphere, 2020.
- Yin Shan, Zhang Xuyi, Yu Annie, Sun Ningxiao, Lyu Junyao, Zhu Penghua, Liu Chunjiang*. Determining PM2.5 Dry Deposition Velocity on Plant Leaves: An Indirect Experimental Method. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 2019.
- Tian Lu, Yin Shan*, Ma Yingge, Kang Hongzhang, Zhang Xuyi, Tan Haoxin, Meng Hengyu, Liu Chunjiang. Impact factor assessment of the uptake and accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by plant leaves: Morphological characteristics have the greatest impact. Science of the Total Environment, 2019.
城市生态与长期观测研究组 招聘启事(长期有效)
因课题组建设和发展需要,诚邀海内外对城市生态学(生态学、地学、林学、环境科学等相关专业)优秀的本科生、硕士生、博士生、博士后及青年学者加盟。应聘者可将个人简历、代表性论著或论文以及其他相关资料发送至yinshan at sjtu.edu.cn。