发布时间:2024-05-22  阅读次数:805

报 告 人:Professor Abdel-Hamied Mohamed Rasmey埃及苏伊士大学(Suez University)
报 告 时 间:2024年05月27日(星期一)10:00-11:00 am/27 May2024,Monday,10:00-11:00 am
报 告 地 点:农业与生物学院A楼报告厅/Conference hal, BuildingA,College ofAgriculture and Biology,SJTU
邀 请 人:张乐 副教授
报 告 题 目:Harvesting Nature's Potential: Fermentation as the Gateway to Sustainable Renewable Energy


Prof. Abdel-Hamied M. Rasmey, is a full professor at Botany and Microbiology Dept, Faculty of Science, Suez University, Egypt. He was born in 1983 and was awarded his Ph.D. degree from Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt. in 2019, he served as the head of the Botany and Microbiology Department at faculty of Science, Suez University, and subseguently in 2021-2023, held the position of Vice-Dean of Education and Student Affairs. He has published 48 papers focusing on microbial fermentation processes for valuable metabolites and sustainable biofuel production. During 2021 to 2023, He participated in the Erasmus mobility program, Romania and currently is TYSP scholarship member at lPP,CAAS, Beijing, China.

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