发布时间:2021-10-14  阅读次数:3333

报 告 人:吕爱敏   植物科学系 博士后

   间:2021年10月20日(星期三) 12:40-14:00







紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)是优良的豆科牧草,营养价值高,被誉为‘牧草之王’。在我国北方地区,低温、干旱、盐碱等非生物胁迫是苜蓿生长的主要抑制因素,而在南方,土壤普遍呈现强酸性,土壤中高活性铝离子(Al3+)严重破坏苜蓿细胞结构、抑制苜蓿生长。胚胎发育晚期丰度蛋白(Late embryogenesis abundant protein,LEA)是一类重要的逆境响应蛋白,在种子成熟后期大量积累,对植物响应干旱、低温、高盐、铝毒等逆境胁迫具有重要的保护功能。LEA蛋白分子量小(10~30 kDa),亲水性高,自然状态下缺乏有序的结构,属于无序蛋白(intrinsically disordered proteins,IDP)。其主要作用机制包括:分子伴侣和分子盾牌功能;结合金属离子;清除活性氧;保护细胞膜和核酸等。本报告着重介绍紫花苜蓿LEA第二家族蛋白MsDHN1的表达调控及抗逆机制。














Dept. of Plant Science

TIME :12:40-14:00  October 20, 2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE: The function and mechanism of LEA protein in alfalfa


Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important legume. Alfalfa is mainly cultivated in northern China region, where drought and salt stresses are major problem for alfalfa growth. The nutritional, physiological and molecular mechanisms of alfalfa in response to drought and salinity stress have been the most popular research fields. Al3+ is very phytotoxic and is a major limiting factor for plant growth in acidic soil in the south of China. Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins were first identified at later stages of embryogenesis. LEA proteins are a family of highly hydrophilic and low molecular mass proteins lack of complex structure. It has been reported to participate in transcriptional control, ion binding, antioxidant activity, membrane and protein stabilization. LEA proteins are regarded as molecular chaperones that protect other proteins against aggregation under abiotic stresses, particularly under water deficit and cold stress. In this talk, we will focus on the function of SK3-type dehydrin MsDHN1. MsDHN1 can increase alfalfa tolerance to Al stress via increasing oxalate secretion from root tips, which may involve in the interaction of MsDHN1 with two aquaporins.

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