发布时间:2021-06-22  阅读次数:4210

报 告 人:吕陈昂   食品科学与工程系 助理研究员

   间:2021年6月30日 (星期三) 12:40-14:00







等容冷冻技术(Isochoric Freezing)利用等容环境下冰晶生长受到抑制的原理,在没有添加抗凝剂的情况下可实现使保存的生物组织温度处于零下而无冰晶损伤。等容冷冻罐中的水在不同温度范围展现出不同的相变特性:-5 ℃~ 0 ℃,表现为较稳定的超冷水状态;-22 ℃~ -5 ℃,表现为高压的(最高压力210 MPa)水-冰平衡状态;液氮速冷条件下则展示出玻璃态的特性。利用上述特性,等容冷冻技术在生鲜食品的零下保鲜,冷冻食品的杀菌灭毒,和组织器官保存等领域展现了较好的前景。本报告将概述性地介绍等容冷冻技术在上述领域的典型研究,如对常规冷冻下品质下降严重的食品(浆果、鱼肉等)的零下保鲜;对大肠杆菌、单核细胞增生李斯特菌、沙门氏菌,蜡样芽孢杆菌及其芽孢的灭活;以及在器官芯片低温运输,器官保存方面的研究。









SPEAKER: Chenang Lyu

  Assistant Research Fellow   

Department of Food Science and Technology

TIME :12:40-14:00  Jun 30, 2021

VENUE:Room 104, Building B, SAB

ORGANIZER:Office of Discipline and Science & Technology, SAB;

Young Teachers Association, SAB

TITLE:Trans-species RNAi and Plant Immunity


Filamentous eukaryotic pathogens, including fungi and oomycetes, are major threats of economically important crops. Most filamentous plant pathogens are biotrophic or hemibiotrophic, engaged in a continuous battle with plant hosts by exchanging active materials to manipulate each other. Oomycetes, such as Phytophthora, are known for secreting a large number of effectors to modulate host immune responses, and accumulating evidence suggests that plant sRNAs can move across species and function as antimicrobial agents against non-viral pathogens. We discovered that plant secondary siRNAs were induced by Phytophthora infection and move into interacting Phytophthora cells. This movement of siRNAs results in decreased expression of Phytophthora transcripts through trans-species RNA interference, thus enhancing plant defense. Therefore, exploiting sRNA transfer mechanisms and engineering siRNA-producing loci could be a useful strategy to engineer crops with improved disease resistance.

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